It's almost the end of this residency. Becuase I am here for 5 weeks and let colleagues handle the affairs in office, I would like to buy some souvenirs for them.
I come to Wal-mart to find something, lotions for ladies, wine for gentlemen, and one of my colleagues has a 5-year-old daughter, thus I decide to buy her a doll.

My Brazilian colleague, Ricardo, came with me today. I chose a barbie and many other things. When we almost finished our shopping, I hesitated so I asked Ricardo,

Littlecar: Do you think I am stupid to buy a barbie?
Ricardo: Rmnnn...I think it's ok. As long as your colleague's daughter likes it!
Littlecar: I am not sure if it is good to buy her a barbie...Okay, think about if you were a 5-year-old girl, would you like this?
[Ricardo looked at the barbie doll for a while]...
Ricardo: I would prefer a blonde one!
Littlecar: Don't you like the black hair?
Ricardo: Not really, know, blonde.
Littlecar: Okay! That's go to have a blonde one.
[In front of the barbie department]
Ricardo: see, this is more beautiful!!! haha!
Littlecar: yap, this is better!

So, even buying a barbie, there is still discrimination.

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